Friday 24 April 2009


Hi Year 10 - here is the slideshow seen today in class. Remember that the introduction is the foundation of your work. Even though it is only worth 6 marks, get it wrong and your entire project can suffer!

Also here are some of the 'Top Tips' shared by friends around the country via Twitter:

didactylos@daviderogers do the plan as a map with time distances if it's geography
didactylos@daviderogers make your list vsual and put it on your wall so you cannot ignore it
olliebray@daviderogers use Google Earth to provide spacial data to coursework project. See Noels excellent post from last year
didactylos@daviderogers chunk the work into small sections and write down when you will do them and stick to it
daibarnes@daviderogers CW Tip: always write with meaning (each sentence object/subject clear) and set small goals to achieve in each working session.